Dr. Tim Irwin




The Race is Underway

Cara Gaskins - Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The election season is underway. I may not be a political expert, but like most of you, I have opinions about the presidential candidates. Being a student of leadership, it’s always of interest to me who rises and who falls in the presidential race...and who derails like John Edwards in ’08. Many will attempt to convince us in the months ahead that he or she is the best person to lead our country.  

These are some adages I consider when screening CEO candidates for my clients. I believe these principles also have relevance to our electoral choices: 

1.      Character and competence always trump charisma.

2.      The best predictor of what a person can and will do is what he or she has done.

3.      A person will eventually manifest who he or she really is, particularly under stress.

The infamous low information voters will likely ignore these principles and for sure violate principle 1, but hopefully enough Americans will make informed decisions to elect the right CEO of our country in 2016.

What qualities are you looking for in our elected officials?

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© Copyright 2015. Dr. Tim Irwin and Irwin Inc, LLC. All rights reserved.

Peter Flierl commented on 19-May-2015 08:25 PM
Fantasy world. The spineless GOP "leadership" lost the 2016 election last November by
kicking the can down the road. She, you know who, is already planning the redecoration or her first husband is. The specter of 5, 10, 15 GOP "candidates" in debates with each other is simply sad. After America is rushing toward us very, very fast. Turn the lights out when you leave.
Steve Wurzbacher commented on 20-May-2015 03:40 AM
Tim: I think that I will take these 3 principles and construct a spreadsheet with these down the side and the candidates - from both parties - across the top. Then if I rate each one (1 - 5) on each principle, it would yield a useful support guide, I would think. Of course platform positions are important and relevant, but it would certainly be inspiring to see the next leader of the free world score 5's on each of the 3 principles. Thanks for simplifying this - it shouldn't be so complicated or nuanced. Steve
Stan Ashley commented on 20-May-2015 07:09 AM
I am looking for our next CEO to have practical solutions to the major problems plaguing this Country and not just rhetoric.
Betty commented on 20-May-2015 10:24 AM
Truth, character, statesmanship, someone who respects and abides by the Constitution. Someone who is interested in LEADING the country, not just winning elections. Someone
who has something on his/her resume besides campaigning. I fear that our political system
is so polluted that even if he has a good heart and fine credentials, this particular type person can't survive the fray. You make excellent points. Can we hope?
Anonymous commented on 20-May-2015 07:00 PM
Tim, I am completely in agreement with your profile of what a successful, effective leader looks like. This is especially profound when it comes to electing a CEO who will be the most important leader in the world. With that said and at the risk of sounding negative, I am not encouraged when it comes to the the voting intelligence of the average American voter. Unfortunately media hype and "constructed" charisma from our culture will have a dramatic impact on the results of the 2016 election. The typical educated middle class American is uninformed, uninterested and too lazy to examine candidates and issues in order to make an intelligent choice in the voting booth. Only when that typical American becomes uncomfortable or has his/her comforts threatened will effort be put forth to figure out the issues and the candidates. We don't always get what we ask for, but more often we get what we deserve. Thanks!
christi commented on 25-May-2015 08:54 AM
Character, accomplishments, competence and caring.....also the ability to compromise!!! Most Americans are firmly centrist! (Thank Heaven!)

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